Deciding to acquire a business, or partner with someone with an existing business is a crucial decision that will always come with risk. We are here to help.
One of the best ways to minimize risk is to hire experienced professionals to perform the Financial and Tax Due Diligence of the company you are acquiring. Financial due diligence involves looking closely at all the company’s records such as, the financial statements, internal controls, management accounts, budgets and forecasts, contracts with employees, suppliers, customers and others, insurance policies, etc.
Tax due diligence involves reviewing all the federal and state tax compliance filings of the company for all open tax years to ensure everything has been filed properly and that the tax adjustments on the returns accurately reflect the tax code as applicable. In this process we must consider and weigh whether it is more likely than not the tax positions taken will pass an IRS audit?
Our tax professionals are experienced and committed to performing a thorough Tax Due Diligence review. You will receive an in-depth report of our analysis that will include a list of exposure items (quantified if applicable) for our client to consider prior to closing the transaction.
For more information, call us at (832) 482-4611.