The Senate has approved a fiscal year (FY) 2019 budget for the IRS. The Senate’s approved IRS budget provides less funding than a House-approved proposal. The Senate appropriations package, which includes the Financial Services and General Government appropriations bill (HR 6147), cleared the Senate by a 92-to-6 vote on August 1.
IRS Funding
The Senate-approved IRS FY 2019 budget bill provides $11.2 billion in base funding. The House’s original bill, cleared the chamber on July 19, providing $11.6 billion in base funding for the Service. The House’s measure would increase IRS funding by $186 million. The bills are expected to be reconciled in conference.
Tax Reform
The Senate and House measures both include $77 million for the implementation of tax reform enacted under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA). The FY 2019 funding allocated for tax reform is in addition to the $320 million the IRS received for tax reform implementation in FY 2018.
Congressional Recess
The Senate is now on a shortened August recess. Lawmakers are expected to return to Washington, D.C. the week of August 13. The House is expected to return from its August recess on September 4.